These days you might be hearing lot about the word “Mobile Friendliness”, do not confuse it with something related to dating on mobile or etiquettes to use mobile phone! In fact it is a warning bell for you if you own a website but it is still NOT “mobile responsive”.
Why? Because Google has come up with new updates for search ranking on April 21, 2015 to priorities search ranking results for websites based on “Mobile Friendliness” or mobile responsiveness if use browsers on mobile device.
Let me try to explain the responsive website. Web Designer uses HTML5, Bootstrap (etc) and CSS to build the sites and set parameters so the content of the website resizes itself as per the screen size of devices like Mobile, Tablet, desktop etc. So, a mobile responsive website in simple terms is a website which adjusts itself as per the screen size of the device.
Wondering, how to TEST if your website is mobile responsive or NOT? Click here to test. Google has come up with 2 important updates:
“we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal” which means it will affect all the Google searches through mobile devices. Results will be prominent and rank higher for the websites those are mobile responsive.
2. “we will begin to use information from indexed apps as a factor in ranking for signed-in users who have the app installed”. Now, Google through “App Index” can index your Android applications just like your website. Deep links indexed by Google appear in the searches and can land user directly into the native mobile app if it is being installed on users’ devise.
Don’t wait anymore if you are yet to get your website mobile responsive, otherwise it will hurt your SEO ranking and business.
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