This is the common question among most of the programmers who are not aware of this innovative technology Vue.js. But, as a programmer, one must know about this technology.
Vue.js is actually an open-source JavaScript framework for building various web user interfaces. When it is integrated with other that uses other JavaScript libraries, it’s becomes too simple because of easy adaptability. It can also be functioned as a framework for a web application to advance the single page application.
With 2016 survey, it has been found that 89% developers are really satisfied with Vue and has almost 38706 stars where many have downloaded it a number of times.
Why is Vue.js so specific?
It is an advanced form of React and Angular, so it is fresh with little baggage with light weight and easy to learn. It’s comprised of some basic docs while there wasn’t any doc of learning with angular. Hence, with a doc, one can also find a two-way data binding facility as React virtual DOM and Angular.
Nowadays, many programmers have become fullstack Vue.js developer, who really enjoy this technology. These types of developers are now in demand as they can smartly manage the web interfaces just with the use of minimum technology. Hence, this can help in fast and smart completion on any project. Thus, let’s have a look that how Vue.js vary from Angular and React:
Vue.js vs Angularjs
Vue is more flexible than Angular that allows a user to structure the app the way, they want it to be. While in Angular, users were being forced to do everything. Instead of full blown SPA, it’s only an interface layer that can be used as a light feature with pages.
Angularjs consist of many tools and complex syntax that really confused the people, but Vue.js is much simpler that is going to stay longer with no fade.
Vue.js vs React
React and Vue has some features which are similar to each other. These features are:
• Both utilize a virtual DOM.
• Allow users to have compose-able and reactive view components.
• Basically, focus on core library with concerns like global state management and handling.
These both are quite similar as per their features. But the thing in which Vue.js is much superior to React is two-way binding. The two-way binding is quite simple with V-model while in React, it’s a long way down.
Hence, if you really want to do become a smart and an innovative programmer, you must need to become a fullstack Vue.js developer. This way one can easily have both professional and organizational growth.
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